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26th UN Peace Festival The Future of Memory, Embroidering Peace

The UN Peace Festival is held at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea, the world's only UN memorial cemetery, and a designated UN Peace Culture Zone. The festival is the representative festival of Nam-gu, Busan, which is held to mourn the pain of the Korean War, to appreciate the sacrifices of UN Forces and the Korean Armed Forces, and to share the peace we currently enjoy and the hope for the future with residents and visitors.

It began as the Oryukdo Culture and Arts Festival in 1997 and has been held for 26 years until this year's UN Peace Festival.

The festival expanding its scope to create a global cultural city in Nam-gu.

In particular, this year includes

  • Peace Parade : Police cars, military band, army national flag, foreign attendees, etc. Various compositions and performances (military music, taekwondo and K-pop dance performances, Indian dance, djembe, local folklore, etc.), events with visitors, commemorative photos
  • Special Stage Performances : Opening ceremony, peace concert, peace music festival, etc.
  • World Culture Experience : Various cultural experiences from seven countries including India, Egypt, Myanmar, Germany, etc.
  • Busking : Busking performances, magic show, bubble show, living statues, citizen participation program
  • Fair : 70 cultural experiences, Korean War food experience
  • Various exhibitions : UN participating countries exhibition, flea market
  • Food : World food/general food trucks, food market, etc.

Along with various sights and attractions based on the concept of peace, the festival will develop into a participatory cultural event that brings the world together.

만족도조사 ㅣ 현재 페이지에서 제공하는 정보와 편의성에 만족하셨습니까?

  • 5점(매우만족)
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  • 3점(보통)
  • 2점(불만)
  • 1점(매우불만)
  • 담당부서 : 문화예술과 문화예술팀  
  • 담당자 : 축제소개 담당자
  • 전화번호 : 051-607-4648
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